I absolutely LOVE this strawberry lip balm! Thank you for making such a wonderful eco-friendly product!
Love these so much I needed more! I have always liked the natural, and the mint is a nice change up.
Carolynn Macallister
Lip Balm
This is a good lip balm and I am thankful that it is in cardboard packaging and does contribute to all toxic plastics in our environment- ☀️
Lawane Lord
Tinted Lip Balm
I love the packaging of this lip balm and, unlike some of the other reviews, I have had no problem with the tube. It does leave my lips a little dry after awhile so I apply non tinted lip balm first. I am also very happy with the color of the tint.
Aida Perez
❤️ love it. It Keeps my lips hydrated
The tinted one is my favorite. I love it hydrates my lips and it is bad chemicals free. Ecoroots does not use plastic, I love that because by doing it they are contributing to save our earth planet and aquatic animals.